Rea Valley Community Wildlife Group Annual General Meeting
To be held 15th April 2021 at 7pm. To be held virtually via “Zoom”
1. Apologies (5 minutes): Chair
2. Introductions and welcome (5 minutes): Chair
3. Nominations and election of Officers for RVCWG (10 minutes): All
• Chair
• Secretary
• Treasurer
• Website and social media officer
• Bird Group leader
• Plant Group leader
• General committee members
4. Stepping Stones update (5 minutes): Charlie Bell
5. Bird Group results (10 minutes): Steve Oates on behalf of Leo Smith
6. Plant Group results (10 minutes): Rob Rowe
7. Resting Hill and Pontesford Hill nest box project results (10 minutes): Amber
Bicheno and Geoff Brown
8. Treasurer’s Report (5 minutes): Geoff Brown
9. Shropshire Hills Young Rangers (5 minutes): Joe Penfold
10. Question and Answer session (10 minutes): Committee
11. AOB (5 minutes): All
12. Close
If you are not a member and would like to join us please email us at and we will send you the link.