The Strettons Streams project is a new SACWG project for 2023. Periods of low flows, particularly in the summer months are impacting on available water supply in the local streams of the Strettons. The consequence is a high mortality rate of the fish populations eg brown trout and bullhead, which then effects mammals (eg otters) and birds (eg dippers and kingfishers), which rely on the fish (and invertebrates) as a food source.
During the summer of 2022 a prolonged period of dry weather resulted in large sections of the streams flowing from the Long Mynd hill range becoming dry. A small number of fish were rescued but it is likely that these streams will take a long time to recolonise. These dry spells have occurred regularly over the past few years and the impact of climate change is expected to cause further disruption to the charging of our watercourses. A resultant loss in aquatic biodiversity and richness is anticipated.
The aim of the project is to keep a watchful eye on stream flow during periods of prolonged dry weather and to intervene and rescue fish when low flows and/or oxygen levels risk their survival.
The purpose of the project is to alleviate some of the impact of climate change on fish populations in the Strettons.
In 2023 a small network of interested people in the Strettons: All Stretton, Little Stretton and Church Stretton, will be established. The group (or nominated person) will carry out regular checks on low flows and/or oxygen levels in their local watercourses during periods of prolonged dry weather. Should fish need rescuing a small team will rescue the fish and relocate them in a downstream section of the SAME watercourse.
If you would like to participate in this project please contact the Project Lead: Julie Cowley

Photos above: Julie Cowley

Photo Credit: Billy Wilson, 2019 – CC BY-NC 2.0.
Header image by Bruno /Germany from Pixabay