This report (see link below) summarises the tenth year for the Bird Group. The bird survey
returned to its usual format, after being disrupted by coronavirus restrictions in
We now have a good understanding of the population and distribution of
Lapwing and Curlew, and the status of the Other Target Species. Comparison
of results over the years suggests a net loss of five pairs (38.5%) of Curlew
between 2012 and 2020, but a gain of two pairs in 2021. There is no evidence
that any young fledged in 2021. A map showing Curlew territories found during
April by the bird survey was passed to the nest-finders working for the SOS
Save our Curlews project.
Four Kestrel nests were found, and chicks in one of them were ringed and
Further survey work in future years will continue to establish population trends
in the area.

Bird Group Report 2021