We started a project in 2018 to find nests, put an electric fence round them to protect the eggs from predators and livestock, and then radio-tag the chicks, to find out how they use the landscape and what happens to them. Not enough young birds fledge to replace the older birds dying off. We need to know why.
You can read the report of the 2018 project here: UCCWG 2018 Report
In 2019, we only found one nest, which was predated before it could be fenced. The 2020 project was cancelled because of coronavirus restrictions.
We are re-starting this work in 2021. In the Upper Clun it’s a joint project of the Community Wildlife Group and Shropshire Ornithological Society. The work is expensive, so we’re continuing with the Appeal to fund it. Please see the following links which explain what we’re doing, and includes a form for donations. Curlew Appeal 2021 Final ; Curlew Appeal 2021 Donations page
You’ll see that SOS is organising the project work, and is the banker for it. If you do make a donation, and you are a UK taxpayer, please also complete the Gift Aid declaration on the Donation form, as SOS (a registered charity) can claim back the tax you paid on it from HMRC.
We hope that you will want to help protect and conserve the birds our Group helps to monitor in our local area, so we hope you will consider contributing to our Appeal. If you know anyone else who might contribute, please tell them about it.