We have not been able to hold an Annual Public Meeting this year.
We have produced an Annual Report 2020, and sent it to all members UOWG Short Report 2020
We asked all members if anyone wanted to stand for the committee, or wanted to volunteer to join it. No nominations or volunteers for the Committee were received, other than existing Committee members being willing to re-stand, and Janet Cobb and Rosie Wood agreeing to accept the Committee’s nomination to the vacant post of Publicity Officer. The Committee has therefore been elected. The members and their respective positions are listed here.
The Annual Accounts for the Financial Year ending 31 March 2020 are also attached. The Treasurer and Auditor have signed the accounts, and the Chair has seen them and agreed to sign. 2020 accounts for AGM
The Bird Report for 2020 was sent to Bird Group members last year. UOWG Bird Report 2020