On Monday, 14th November, we were treated to a highly entertaining talk at Churchstoke Community Hall by Ric Morris, describing how he first got into his passion for collecting animal skulls and some interesting episodes subsequently.
One of the results of having this slightly ‘weird’ interest (as Ric himself described it!) were some funny episodes along the way. One was a trip as a sixth former to visit art galleries in London, one of which was the National Gallery in Trafalgar Square. In those days, the Square was thronged with pigeons, including a dead one, which Ric gleefully seized and carried around with him until he got home. The man on security at the National Gallery was a bit nonplussed when he searched Ric’s bag!
It was a terrific talk, with the chance to look at a good selection – although a tiny fraction of Ric’s total collection! – of actual skulls afterwards.
We look forward to inviting Ric back for a sequel.