At the current rate of decline, we haven’t got long to save curlews from local extinction, so we now want to put the knowledge you have helped us gain to good use in 2021, by finding nests, putting an electric fence round them to protect the eggs from predators and livestock, and then radio-tagging the chicks, to find out how they use the landscape and what happens to them.
The work is expensive. We’ve raised well over half the cost through the National Trust’s Stepping Stones Project, and the Community Wildlife Group and Church Stretton SOS Branch have launched a joint appeal to raise the rest. Please download the attached appeal leaflet (PDF) and donation form (DOCX) and help us to protect these iconic birds for future generations.
We hope you will want to help protect and conserve the birds you help monitor in our local area.
You’ll see that SOS is organising the project work, and is the banker for it. If you do make a donation, and you are a UK taxpayer, please also complete the Gift Aid declaration on the Donation form, as we can claim back the tax you paid on it from HMRC.