Introductory Birding Course

Do you enjoy watching birds? Would you like to expand your expertise by building on your current knowledge of common birds? Do you know which birds to expect in different habitats in Shropshire? Would you like to be able to identify the characteristic birds of the...

Swifts in the Strettons

Following two successful project bids, one from Focus and one from Co-op, Woodcrete swift boxes have been installed on the Co-op building. Possibly the first Co-op in England to have swift boxes installed! Our local swifts will travel from Africa each year back to...

Minsterley Meadows Appeal

Middle Marches Community Land Trust have launched an appeal to purchase Minsterley Meadows for future generations. The meadows are flower-rich meadows on the outskirts of Minsterley, Shropshire. Amongst many other species, the meadows support the largest colony of...