In June a very successful Bioblitz Day was held. The landowners were all consulted and gave permission for their land to be surveyed.
Two moth traps were set up the previous evening and a bat detector used with interesting results. The Stretton’s flora group came and surveyed two areas. A total of 71 flowering plants was recorded, with an abundance of Skullcap, creeping Forget me not and the rare Marsh Cinquefoil. A bird survey recorded 23 species.

Marsh Cinquefoil
Areas of the Quinny brook were investigated for signs of water vole activity. Several potential holes were recorded and two feeding stations were noted in the area.
A detailed survey was made of water invertebrates with 17 different water beetles found including one which is nationally scarce. A beetle survey recorded 17 species with two of particular note.
It proved a very successful day and there are plans to repeat them every two years. The full report can be downloaded here.