by Strettons Area | Jan 28, 2021 | Stretton Wetlands, Strettons Area News
The Stretton Wetlands report of activities during the challenging year of 2020 is available for download. You can download a copy of the report here (PDF) Strettons Area...
by Strettons Area | Jan 14, 2021 | Stretton Wetlands, Strettons Area News, Strettons Botanical surveys
An informal survey of plant species in Cudwell Meadow was carried out on three occasions between May and July 2020. The purpose of the vegetation survey was to set a baseline, to assess the current situation, to inform management decisions and to measure subsequent...
by Strettons Area | Jun 30, 2019 | Stretton Wetlands
Members from the Shropshire Mammal Society conducted a survey of the Wetlands on 21 June 2019. The mammal traps which they set yielded wood mouse and young bank vole, as well as two positive confirmatory signs of water vole – at last! Also, two otter spraints were...
by Strettons Area | Jun 13, 2018 | Stretton Wetlands
In June a very successful Bioblitz Day was held. The landowners were all consulted and gave permission for their land to be surveyed. Two moth traps were set up the previous evening and a bat detector used with interesting results. The Stretton’s flora group came and...
by Strettons Area | Apr 13, 2018 | Stretton Wetlands
In 2017 SACWG had a major publicity and fundraising campaign to raise funds to provide a boardwalk along the footpath. Volunteers ran a wildlife quiz, a plant stall, a three-course candlelit meal and a music evening. Grant funding was sought and public donations...
by Strettons Area | Jun 13, 2016 | Stretton Wetlands
Under the oversight of SACWG, a small group of expert ecologists and volunteers, coordinated by Isabel Carter, carried out a number of biodiversity surveys during 2016. These included amphibians (Phase II), reptiles, flora (Phase II), birds, mammals, dragonflies,...